The author would like to point out that as he goes about criticising ignorance, poor understanding, bias, the objectification of women, ineffectiveness in British Government and the secular nature of modern society, he is in no way guilty of anything he accuses other people of. Honest.

Friday, 8 October 2010

How am I

There's always the tendency to say 'Oh fine' to that question.

Honestly? I'm tired. It's the end of the first week of term and I'm napping at my desk. I'm just tired; I can't remember not being slightly tired all the time. There's the thesis to write, my class to organise, the Post-Grad Prayer Group to run, a summary for the next Foundation seminar to write and the PG Reading Group to prepare for. Oh, and I need to fix my printer, possibly do some bar work to get some extra money in, and a paper to write for a conference in November and have a word with my dad. Meanwhile my computer might be giving up the ghost, I don't know yet.

Sometimes I just want to say to the world that frankly you guys can go on for a bit and I'll catch you up if I can. The typical 'Stop the World, I want to get off!' mentality. Then I remember a few things. Mainly that I'm so blessed it's almost unbelievable. I just want to shout at myself that what on earth are you complaining about? You have a roof over your head, money to get food in and a family, friends and most importantly God who loves you. You have access to the internet, radio and TV. You can walk into the supermarket in October, for crying out loud, and buy bananas!

You're already ahead of most of humanity. You're living an existence that many people would literally give their right arm for. The God you believe in came down from Heaven itself, took human form and was crucified, one of the most agonising deaths conceivable, because of His love for humanity. There are people living in the Congo, in Sudan and Somalia, in Pakistan, India, China and North Korea and, let's be frank, in the UK who long for half the existence you're leading.

Stop whining man and get on with it. Trust in the Lord, don't kill yourself and remember what's important. You'll be fine


  1. Indeed - and decent TV at that! None of this Two-And-A-Half Men nonsense.

    (Son of) Man up.
